Presbyterian icon J. Gresham Machen encourages a church suffocating under the weight of corrupt leadership…
For many Presbyterians, Princeton Theologian J. Gresham Machen is a hero. He led the opposition against liberal theology, church court abuse, and modernist thinking that was crippling the Presbyterian Church in his day. His stand for church purity culminated in the formation of Westminster Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. In a 1935 edition of the Presbyterian Guardian, Machen wrote words that are in many ways just as applicable to the modern Presbyterian audience at Midway Presbyterian Church in 2021. Sadly, it now groans under the weight of oppressive edicts, false charges, half-truths, hypocrisy, and secret trials that its leadership has fostered all while refusing offers of peace.
Reflect on the words below written by a faithful minister of Christ’s church. Would it be too hard to believe that if they were written by an elder at Midway Presbyterian Church such a man’s words would be decried as “slanderous”, “insubordinate” and an affront to the orders of a lawful Session! As Midway Presbyterian Church is on the eve of divisive seemingly never ending secret trials against its own elected leadership. Take heart Christians, men (even leaders of the church) will always fail us, but there is hope in Jesus Christ and in His Words as Machen points out. Take heart, Jesus Christ is in control and He will not long suffer the misuse of authority by the leaders of His church. Just as in Machen’s day, the Lord may soon trigger reformation in His church and bring low the proud. He will not allow His true church “bearing the sacred name of Christ”, to stand “on a lower ethical plane than that which prevails in the world”.
Continue to pray. Remember that His timing is always perfect.

The Changing Scene and the Unchanging Word
Rev. J. Gresham Machen, October 7, 1935
We certainly have before us today a changing scene, and very ominous are the figures that stalk across it. Twenty years after a war which was supposed to have been fought to make the world safe for democracy, Russia stands under the most soul-killing despotism, perhaps, that the world has ever seen; and despots rule also in Italy and in Germany. One of these despots, after the approved tradition of despotic rulers, is now engaged in plunging the world, so far as his actions can accomplish it, into another world war.
These have been kaleidoscopic changes indeed. Who would have thought a few years ago that all freedom of speech and of the press would have been destroyed in great sections of Europe and thus that the achievements of centuries would suddenly have been wiped out? Who would have thought that after a century-long struggle upwards to light and liberty, Europe would suddenly return to a worse than medieval darkness?
In our own country, a man has to be blind indeed not to see that the same forces are mightily at work. Religious liberty has not yet been destroyed among us, as in Mexico; religious edifices and schools have not yet all been taken over by government. But when teachers even in private schools and Church schools and other institutions of learning are, as in New York and elsewhere: required to take an oath of office, as though they were state officials, we have in principle the totalitarian state; and liberty, just at the most important point, is in principle being destroyed. Everywhere we find centralization of power under an arbitrary bureaucracy; the area of liberty is slowly but very surely being reduced. Solemn contracts public and private are being treated as scraps of paper; the solid foundations of liberty and honesty are crumbling beneath our feet.
Yes, it is certainly true that we have before us today a changing scene.
In the midst of that changing scene, is there anything that is constant? Is there anything solid at all in the midst of the shifting sands? Can we find a safe refuge anywhere from the destructive forces that are so mightily at work? Is there anything at all that we can trust?
Certainly we cannot trust the Church. The same destructive forces that are at work in the State are also at work in the Church. It seems almost unbelievable, but still it is a fact that at this present moment, in the largest of the Presbyterian bodies in this country, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., a secret trial is actually being held in the city of Philadelphia. Two members of The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions, against their earnest protest, are being deprived of that right to an open hearing which is accorded even to the most degraded criminal under our civil laws. The Church, bearing the sacred name of Christ, is standing on a lower ethical plane than that which prevails in the world outside than that which prevails among people who make no profession of religion at all.
Unfortunately the tendency manifested in this secret trial is not isolated in the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Everywhere open discussion is discouraged. If anything is wrong, we are told, we should present the matter to committees of the General Assembly; but the pulpit and the press should not be used to present it to the rank and file.
The truth is that the bureaucracy in the Church has not a bit more regard for the Constitution of the Church, than the bureaucracy in the State has for the Constitution of the State in so many countries of the world. We are today in the midst of a time when the landmarks are being destroyed. Solemn constitutional guarantees of liberty are treated as though they meant nothing; and when people make solemn subscription to a system of doctrine that solemn pledge is treated as though it were a mere empty form of words.
No, we cannot find a haven of refuge from the confusion in the world by any mere appeal to the Church. In many places the visible Church has been swept away into the full current of the world’s madness.
Well, then, if we cannot appeal to the Church, is there anything to which we can appeal? Is there anything that is constant amid the shifting scene? The answer to that question is given by the text that stands at the top of this page, the text that gives us the program for all the corresponding pages in future issues of THE PRESBYTERIAN GUARDIAN.
“The grass withereth, the flower
fadeth,” says the prophet; there are
many things that change. But there is
one thing that does not change. That
one thing is the Word of God. “The
grass withereth, the flower fadeth:
but the Word of our God shall stand
for ever.”
Where shall we today find the Word of God?
Our answer is very simple. We find it in the whole Bible. We do not say, in Modernist fashion, that the Bible contains the Word of God. No, we say, in Christian fashion, that the Bible is the Word of God.
There, at last, we find something that we can trust. We cannot trust the world; we cannot trust that elusive something known as “civilization.” We cannot, alas, trust the visible Church. But when God speaks we can trust Him. He has spoken in the Bible. We can find our way through all the mists if we will make that blessed Book our guide.
In these pages in successive issues of this paper we are going to ask our readers to do just that; we are going to ask our readers to view the changing scene in the light of the unchanging Word.