Because it shines the light of truth on the unjust actions of The Midway Session and the Northwest Georgia Presbytery.
The concept and name of the Midway Guardian is inspired by John Gresham Machen’s Presbyterian Guardian. Like that historical publication, the Midway Guardian is shining the light of truth on courts that are not acting with transparency, not in accord with our constitution, and not being Biblical.
As J. Gresham Machen was under unjust charges by the mainstream Presbyterian church in the 1930s, four Ruling Elders have been unjustly charged by the Midway Session, and those actions have been condoned by the Northwest Georgia Presbytery.
We see this as a scared responsibility to spread the word about two courts that abuse their God given authority by either charging men in the Lord’s name unjustly, as in the case of the Session, or turning a blind eye to such abuse, as in the case of the NWGP.
Some have asked why we write using pseudonyms. First, we want to make this website about the content and not the personalities of the authors. Many in the PCA have become famous, and maybe wealthy, by creating and posting to blogs, and that is not our desire. Second, we receive many ideas for articles, and sometimes the articles themselves, from our many readers. Exposing any of those names would put a target on their backs and their families’ backs. Our regulars readers, and many in the church, are all too aware of what this Session is willing to do to those that openly disagree with them. None of the men under charges by the Midway Session have any involvement with this site.
One thing we did not count on was the incredible interest in this site. Last month our articles were read nearly 15,000 times. We see that as a validation of the purpose of this site. This site will, and more importantly should, shout from the rooftops for all to hear the abuses coming from what remains of the Midway Session and the inept Northwest Georgia Presbytery until purity is restored to the bride of Christ in West Cobb.