Midway Member Publicly Refutes TE Johnson’s Criticism of SJC Decision Exonerating RE Dudt of False Charges

A church member argued against TE Terry Johnson’s SJC criticisms on The Aquila Report.

On July 10th a Midway Presbyterian Church member voiced his opinion on The Aquila Report of TE Terry Johnson’s criticism of the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC) decision 2021-13. Those following the situation have observed TE Johnson’s sudden interest in Midway Presbyterian Church – which has included preaching in Midway Senior Pastor David Hall’s defense from Midway’s pulpit, and criticizing the SJC’s rationale for exonerating RE Philip Dudt.

The member starts off ”I was dismayed to read pastor Terry Johnson’s article criticizing the SJC’s ruling which overturned the conviction of RE Phil Dudt, finding his critique both poorly reasoned and generally unhelpful in that it serves to obfuscate the matter rather than clarify it…

You can read the entire refutation on The Aquila Report here.