Teaching Elder Submits Resignation Amidst Ongoing Turmoil at Midway

Teaching Elder Knox served in the Associate Pastor role at Midway Presbyterian Church since August of 2020…...

Response to Dissent: A Zeal for Purity or Eradicating the Dissenter?

Should any session who receives a complaint become defensive and risk harming the personal relationships of those under its care?...

Public Response is Sometimes Necessary to Expose Error and Restore Peace

When is it appropriate to confront fellow Christians publicly? When purity is at stake…...

Flashback (1935) – Milwaukee Presbytery Ousts Pastor Who Won’t Stop Publicly “Criticizing the Boards”

The actions of the liberals who took over the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. during the Presbyterian Conflict (1930s) are similar to tactics being employed in...

Church Confessions in Tabletalk

The June 2021 issue of Tabletalk magazine contains helpful articles on the historical creeds and confessions of the church, and free copies were handed...