Teaching Elder Submits Resignation Amidst Ongoing Turmoil at Midway

Teaching Elder Knox served in the Associate Pastor role at Midway Presbyterian Church since August of 2020…

Midway Teaching Elder and Associate Pastor Mic Knox tendered his resignation at the stated session meeting on Monday, July 21, 2021. An announcement was made to the Midway community via an email from the church office on June 25th, 2021. This notification is shown in full below. It correctly states that a congregational meeting will be required to officially end the pastoral relationship between Pastor Knox and the congregation.

This sudden news came amidst the ongoing turmoil at Midway Presbyterian Church regarding the pastoral election of July 2020, where under questionable circumstances, then-Assistant Pastor Knox was elected to serve as an Associate Pastor.

Since that time, a judicial commission of the Northwest Georgia Presbytery has determined that several significant elements of the election were unconstitutional. There is no evidence to suggest that the resignation is related to the ongoing judicial matter specifically, which is still working its way through the courts of the PCA.


Dear Midway Family,

On Monday night July 21, Pastor Mic Knox tendered his resignation and requested that we call a congregational meeting to dissolve his pastoral relationship with Midway. After discussion and counsel, the Session approved his request with regret. Mic has served very well here for over five years:

• first as an intern;
• then completing his seminary studies well;
• later being ordained as a full-time pastor; and
• in all the various ministries of teaching, preaching, evangelizing, and discipling.

We thank God for him and will miss him, but he senses a desire to devote himself more intensively to outreach. As you also know, Mic and Adrianne have always been excellent parents and provide for their children well and in a joy-filled home. We are grateful for our fellowship with Adrianne, Micah, Hayden, and Gavin, as well. We will want to wish them all the best as they transition to new ministry.
The Session unanimously supported his request, and since Mic is an Associate Pastor, we will call for a congregational meeting following the morning worship service of July 11 to hear his request from him directly and to act on it formally at that time, to be effective July 31, 2021. We hope you will attend.

In addition, please save the date of July 25th, following evening worship, for a Reception honoring Pastor Knox and his family.
Let’s all join in thanking the Knoxes and wishing them all God’s very best.