Standing Judicial Commission Rules Filing Complaints a Right, Not an Offense

The SJC has ruled on the second complaint filed by a Midway deacon concerning the election procedures at Midway PCA…

The SJC declared Midway’s election procedures unconstitutional in SJC case 2019-03. 

Unfortunately, after filing the first complaint, the Session withdrew Deacon Crouse’s approved nomination for reelection to the Midway Diaconate without explanation. In response, believing the Session had erred, he filed a second complaint. The complaint became SJC 2019-11.

Since no reason was provided in the Session’s minutes and the burden of proof was on the complainant, the SJC ultimately ruled against the complaint in 2019-11. 

However, the SJC did state “The right to seek redress of improper actions by complaint or appeal is foundational to our Constitutional system. Both due process and basic charity demand that no member or officer should be ostracized or penalized for the mere filing of a complaint or appeal. The filing of a complaint or appeal may never, standing alone, constitute proper grounds to deny any privilege of membership or office in our church.”

Two SJC members, both of whom are former PCA General Assembly moderators, wrote a compelling dissent against the SJC majority decision on the complaint.

You can read the dissent by clicking the following download link here: