The new committee formed to study charges is notable for its lack of teaching elders…
The three elders being studied for removal have over 100 years of combined ordained service at Midway PCA.
On Monday, May 17, 2021, the Midway Session voted for a slightly watered-down version of RE Bob Whitaker’s earlier circulated motion to strip Ruling Elders James Scott, Don Barnett, and Clay David from the duties of their sacred office. At the May Stated Session Meeting, the motion was amended to exclude the word “shepherding” from the original motion, so it is not clear, at this point, what these men may, or may not, do.
The original motion was also amended by freshman RE Paul Fish to include:
“The Moderator is authorized to appoint a study committee to determine whether or not formal charges should be brought against REs Scott, David, and Barnett and, if so, what charges.”
RE Fish was first elected to the Session in December after not being approved by the same body several years earlier. The committee appears not to include any teaching elders, which is unusual for PCA committees.
The committee includes freshmen REs Paul Fish and Russ Knight. In addition, second term elders Whitaker and Ernie Hawley are also on the committee, both of which were directly involved in the January 2021 Presbytery meeting where the unconstitutional actions reported in the 40-5 letter occurred. It seems reasonable that they might recuse themselves since it is challenging to see how they can remain objective in matters relating to them so personally.