
The Midway Guardian publishes manuscripts from a group of contributing authors across Reformed Churches in the United States. The Midway Guardian is not affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), but does currently publish posts from contributors residing in multiple PCA Presbyteries across the country. The Midway Guardian is not affiliated with Midway Presbyterian Church in Powder Springs Georgia. Therefore the decisions of The Midway Guardian are independent, unbiased by the official positions of any church or denomination. Publication is based on an editorial board’s judgment about which posts will interest the broadest readership and topical interest within the bounds of the stated purpose of The Midway Guardian.

Lest any man assign motive to the purpose of The Midway Guardian its motivations are clearly expressed on its Purpose page. 

Views expressed in published articles are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Midway Guardian.

The Midway Guardian is dedicated to providing readers with an advertisement free experience. We do not offer advertising opportunities.

Presubmission Procedures

Authors wishing to know if their article might be of interest to The Midway Guardian are encouraged to contact the editorial board. All submissions must include a cover paragraph to the editorial board declaring clearly the interest to both a broad readership and readers affiliated with Midway Presbyterian Church, a fully referenced summary paragraph, a statement regarding the author’s denominational affiliation, and a reference list. The editorial board may reach out to supplied references for verification. Articles must be between 500 and 3,000 words in length. Contributing authors do not receive a commission or any other compensation when an article is selected for publication. The Midway Guardian is a free service primarily intended for the benefit of members of Midway Presbyterian Church and others interested in the topics of church polity and doctrine from a reformed perspective.

The editorial board only accepts manuscripts in the English language. As a rule, the board does not reject articles due to poor grammar, as non-native English speakers may author imperfect manuscripts. The editorial board considers these submissions on a case by case basis. However, article submissions will be considered based on their readability in English, and the editorial board does not dedicate extensive time to the correction of submissions due to translation error.

As an independent entity, The Midway Guardian reserves the right to publish or not publish submissions. The editorial board is not obliged to print every manuscript submitted or to provide reasons why one might be rejected. Editorial board decisions are final and may not be appealed. The Midway Guardian does not return submissions found to be unsatisfactory for posting with feedback and an invitation to resubmit at a later date with corrections. Authors submitting a previously rejected submission may not receive a response from the editorial board.

The Midway Guardian makes decisions about submitted articles as rapidly as possible. All submissions are handled electronically throughout the consideration process and the editorial board primarily meets virtually. Contributing authors are usually informed within fourteen days if their submission has been selected for posting on The Midway Guardian. 

The Midway Guardian gladly welcomes letters to the editor and rebuttals to posted content. The editorial board reserves the right to print letters to the editor on the public facing portion of the The Midway Guardian. All letters will be edited to conform to the style of the The Midway Guardian.

The Midway Guardian does not accept content submitted to, accepted by, or published by another publication, printed or online without attribution. It does however serve as an aggregator and will repost and link to valuable content (with attribution) found elsewhere in print and online.